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Saturday, October 15, 2011


Mistakes are very common. We commit numerous mistakes everyday. Sometimes we learn from them and sometimes...well we just dont get a chance to learn.

The important thing to infer from the above line is that mistakes are possible. No matter how fatal the consequence of it may be, it is possible that we commit a mistake.  So why the big deal about getting worked up about everything when mistakes are so normal. So sometimes, it is also advisable we take a step back and realize that not everyone is always at fault. Maybe there is a reason behind a person's mistake. Maybe we could have committed the same mistake had we not been lucky. Maybe that ought to help us go easy on a person at fault and help the person recover from the mistake instead.

I think it is time we stopped looking at life and reflecting on the mistakes and instead start believing that mistakes are possible and well...we got to live with them.